Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown Season 2 (Ibiza) Gameplay review

Welcome back to Dudley’s Hub and I am Daniel Dudley Known as Unlucky Gamer (DuddlesGamer), You might know me from my gameplay of Test Drive Unlimited video and post, I play other games but my main game is Test Drive Unlimited, I am back with a Season 2 Ibiza for you, I have been playing the game itself from 05/09/24 then they gave season 2 update on the 11/12/24 and I have been playing and done this review blog for you all, Like always I am going to try my best to be on the sidelines and try and give you tips too.

I have seen on the internet players who have got the new car and already maxed level in just 5 days, But I have hit level 60 when I have started in Ibiza but anyway I have got video on youtube if you want to watch please click here, I am now going to start my review for you, If you want to share anything please do so.

Welcome back to Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown Season 2 in the lovely Ibiza, The new hub is mental it’s nice to have a place to show your best car off and see all the others too, I have seen in times my car go to the wrong clan but that’s nothing, I am like most of you and I want the Lamborghini Diablo VT at the moment I have done the live events and unlocked all the roads and the hidden roads also got all the Radiant Prize so got lots of videos to come, But I have found if you want to level up your main level good luck you level up in the clan more then main and the solar pass level too, That’s how I don’t understand how other players have maxed level and got the Lamborghini Diablo VT but well done anyway to them players. I have seen the new map is smaller and easyer to move a round, I started unlocking the roads at 12am and got them all done at 5pm and I have got a video of myself doing that, So you can unlock the map in just under a day, If you just set yourself to do that, I’ve done one of the new races and I think the AI’s are still crazy in times but seem to be better, Races are a bit more fun and some are harder, It’s sad the new map is bast for Clans but Its still good I think.

I thought it was mint to see the old main charted from Test Drive Unlimited 2 and having her to set the new races off like she did in the other game, And there is little bugs in then game now you can find some but you do have to look now and you have to look hard, But that is good, I do think it is better on PC if you have a top end PC sadly I don’t, Xbox in anygame I thnk xbox is not that good anyway for grafik, But I think PS5 is the best for it, PSN seems to have more players still PC have more but if you are only able to get PSN or XBOX I will get PSN not cheap but can play and race more players, Sadly the game is still set up to play like that but it’s a MMORPG racing game they say, I am with most players and should be single player game but it’s not.

After driving around the game and seen many places to but a car dealer or place to add buildings they didn’t there is just 2 cloth shop and 1 cars shop and the car shop is in the hub with the cloths and the other 2 is for both clans, Why do that, Also if your go to the wrong one you can pick a car, You also get they sorry car and you get the classic TDU 2 first car and there cars and that is not many. I have not yet found the new clothing, There are mamy places to go and have fun in the Ibiza and to take the photo’s too.

Do I think and believe the Ibiza saved the game, From a Long term and loyal fan and player I do think it’s helped the game a bit, They do need to do more work to get the trust back, I have seen somebugs and I follow the bug pages too so yes there are many bugs to stop in the game but I do believe they want the best for the game and they are doing there best to do that.

Do I think and believe this update will bring the players back I do the classic known Ibiza have bring back a lot of YouTubers and now I do think more players have are in the game longer too. It’s just nice to see the game doing well and I just hope they don’t mess up and let the game go down hill.

I run a shop and I have closed my shop on the 23/12/24 till 31/12/24 for Christmas and I think they might be off for Christmas too and just a basic people are working, But hope nothing big goes wrong, And I think the big test will start on the 20/12/24 when most players are off work/school and others and have got more time to play, just hope they are ready.

Yes I am happy they are working on the game and in places you are getting to see them working but it’s a bit late and more is still needed, I will do a review 4 days after it came out follow me on Social media to see when I do. Or if you want to keep up day by day become a member on my Patreon for just £1 a month

Thank you for your time and reading please leave what you think. This is my last blog for 2024 more to come in the new year and the next two video are my last two for this year, So want to say Merry Christmas and a happy new year, If you want to see what is going on over Christmas for me please become a member on Patreon or follow me on any social media @DanielDudleyUK



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Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown is Season 2 (Ibiza) is out