Hogwarts Legacy Gameplay review
Welcome to Dudley’s Hub and I am Daniel Dudley Known as Unlucky Dudley (DuddlesGamer), You might know me from my gameplay of Test Drive Unlimited video and post, I play other games too. But my main game is Test Drive Unlimited, I am back with a New video game called Hogwarts Legacy I played this game on playstatson and XBOX. I have seen the gameplay is better on Playstason and the gameplay gose by the house you picked and seem’s to be better on Playstason.
Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown Season 2 (Ibiza) Gameplay review
Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown Season 2 We are back at Ibiza here with a new weekly race to help make you get more stuff to race in and have on, Click to read more.
Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown is Season 2 (Ibiza) is out
Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown Season 2 We are back at Ibiza here with a new weekly race to help make you get more stuff to race in and have on, Click to read more.
PlayStation 30th year anniversary
Hello my name is Daniel Dudley you might know me as DuddlezGamer on XBOX, PSN and on the internet Unlucky Dudley mostly on YouTube. I have been playing off and on Playstation for years, I was playing first on the Playstation official 1 and my mum was running a afterschool club and she had the PS One, I have had all 5 PS and I’m here to share they 30th anniversary, With photos and links and info from they website, Lets go and start and go back to 1994 I was born in 1991 so about 3 years after my birth and about 10 years after I got my first Playstation then I got the PS2 in 2000 my first big spend of my own money, Then In 2010 I got the PS3 and started to build my own gaming PC then in 2015 got my PS4 and I was in my dark place, Then in 2024 I got my PS5 and now back as a youtube gamer and happy about where I am now in my life, I know them years are not the right year of when it came out but it’s right for when I get them for myself.
Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown is Season 2
Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown Season 1 the first solar pass is here with a new weekly race to help make you get more stuff to race in and have on, Click to read more.
Is Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown getting better
About time Test Drive Unlimited and second patch, is here have a read on what I think and feel how it come over to a player who has done there best with blog’s, Social media post and youtube videos to try and keep players coming and get new ones, and I feel like I have been let down, Becouse I started late I started in 2023 and started to grow, But I am not giving up I am going to keep going untill the game stops
Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown second major patch
About time Test Drive Unlimited and second patch, is here have a read on what I think and feel how it come over to a player who has done there best with blog’s, Social media post and youtube videos to try and keep players coming and get new ones, and I feel like I have been let down, Becouse I started late I started in 2023 and started to grow, But I am not giving up I am going to keep going untill the game stops
Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown is Season 1 (Solar Pass) is out
Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown Season 1 the first solar pass is here with a new weekly race to help make you get more stuff to race in and have on, Click to read more.
Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown is trying to fix the bad First major patch.
Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown has done a good job on its patch,
Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown First major patch
Test Drive Unlimited Solar Crown have move up there date of the patch, Read this to see what is coming